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The Bridge

The Bridge - Jane Higgins This review can also be found here I really could not get into this story. Sure the adventure was thrilling and the plot was fast paced but there was something about it that truly kept me from enjoying it. It took everything I had just to continue reading this, just to get to the end and have closure. This book is aimed at Young Adults but at times it read more like a Middle Grade book than anything else. I found the writing to be choppy and at times many things didn't make sense. I found myself confused quite a few times and had to go back to re-read a paragraph just to make sure I didn't miss something.I only really liked one of the characters and that was Fyffe. She was so shy in the beginning but she toughened up during her adventure with the main character Nikolai. I found Nikolai to be annoying and he aggravated me. Sure all he wanted to do was save his friends and protect them but he just rubbed me the wrong way. For hating Southsiders so much, he befriended quite a few of them pretty quickly.I didn't enjoy it but that doesn't mean that you won't! If you're a die-hard fan of dystopian's then you may want to check this one out. It's a quick read but there are parts that are pretty graphic (blood and such.)